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Tina Staci you are forever in our hearts January 15, 2023
I think about Staci all the time. I was her age and she lives down the street from me. It was a scary time as the same guy exposed himself 2 weeks before she was kidnapped. She had an infectious smile and was nice to everyone. She was a grade before me but I still knew her because of the neighborhood. Back then we felt comfortable being able to ride our bikes to the mall, to the movies and to the park. I pray for her family until this day. may GOD keep her soul safe
Tina Staci you are forever in our hearts January 15, 2023
I think about Staci all the time. I was her age and she lives down the street from me. It was a scary time as the same guy exposed himself 2 weeks before she was kidnapped. She had an infectious smile and was nice to everyone. She was a grade before me but I still knew her because of the neighborhood. Back then we felt comfortable being able to ride our bikes to the mall, to the movies and to the park. I pray for her family until this day. may GOD keep her soul safe
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